Sarah Struzzi joined Home Leasing in 2008 and represents the third generation of the Nelson Leenhouts family. Sarah serves as Chief Operating Officer and oversees Home Leasing’s Property Management, Human Resources, and Marketing departments. She works closely with Home Leasing’s Development and Construction teams to ensure a quality design that best meets the needs of Home Leasing’s residents and to create sustainable company assets.
Sarah has served Home Leasing’s residents in multiple capacities throughout the years in positions including Community Leader, Regional Leader, Director, Property Management, and Senior Vice President, Property Management and Operations. She has developed extensive industry knowledge and experience through relationships and compliance programs such as HUD, DHCR, Tax Credit, and Quadel Consulting Mixed Finance Training.
Sarah holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication from Liberty University and earned Certified Property Manager (CPM®) and Accredited Residential Manager (ARM®) designations through the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). She is a certified IREM Site Manager, Occupancy Specialist, and Blended Occupancy Specialist. She has a Certificate of Fair Housing and is a Certified Credit Compliance Professional C3P, Certified Property Manager, and Certified Elder Service Coordinator. Sarah is also a member of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) and National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA).